Cypress is known for being strong and light, very durable and highly resistant to decay. Cypress has a light yellowish brown color. It is ideal for exterior uses and also interior uses - trusses, moldings, siding, trim-work, fences, patio, and decks. Due to its durability, cypress has traditionally been employed for anything subjected to the elements—small boats, ship decking, shingles, house siding, docks, outdoor furniture, and more. Although cypress benefits from the same decay-resistant qualities as redwood and cedar, it is harder and stronger. This handsome wood was and still is crafted into cabinets, fine furniture, flooring, paneling, and exposed structural features. Although light at 28 pounds per cubic foot air-dry, cypress is moderately hard and machines much like white pine. Its straight grain allows you to work it with hand as well as power tools. Be aware, though, that heartwood may have an unpleasant odor. Here at the Boro Sawmill & Timber Company, we can manufacture a wide range of sizes, shapes, and patterns to meet any of your needs.
The commercial names for cypress often offer clues as to their origin. Red cypress, in addition to having a red hue, usually denotes a coastal origin and yellow cypress an inland one. Names like tidewater, gulf and swamp cypress offer similar clues. The swamp cypress, for example, thrives in swampy areas and along river banks in the southern United States.
The cypress sapwood is very light in color and accounts for a small portion of the tree. Bald cypress heartwood varies from a pale yellow-brown to a dark reddish-brown, sometimes looking almost black. A rule of thumb, according to some, is that the deeper color the heartwood, the more decay resistant the wood.
The wood seasons well with moderately small shrinkage, but can be difficult to dry in large dimensions. The heartwood is usually resistant to decay. Cypress is very durable and easily worked with hand and machine tools. Cutting surfaces should be sharp. The wood sands and planes easily and is stable in service. Bald cypress finishes well and glues satisfactorily. Cypress left unfinished weathers well. Cypress fastens well, especially compared with other softwoods. Nails and screws should be pre-bored. Cypress can be resinous, but that does not affect its workability or gluing.
Cypress wood is very durable, stable, and water- and rot-resistant, making it suitable for building and heavy construction. Other uses where its properties make it a good choice include caskets, piers, bridges, boats, siding, sashes, doors, stadium seats, posts, cooperage and railroad ties. Interior applications include trim, architectural woodwork, doors and flooring. Cypress can also be used for a turnery wood. Cypress is most often requested in lumber form although cypress plywood and veneers are sometimes sold.

Common Uses
Exterior construction, docks, boat building, interior trim, and veneer.
Technical Specifications
Common Name(s): Cypress, Bald cypress
Scientific Name: Taxodium distichum
Distribution: Southeastern United States
Tree Size: 80-120 ft (24-37 m) tall, 3-5 ft (1-1.5 m) trunk diameter
Average Dried Weight: 32 lbs/ft3 (515 kg/m3)
Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC): .42, .51
Janka Hardness: 510 lbf (2,270 N)
Modulus of Rupture: 10,600 lbf/in2 (73.1 MPa)
Elastic Modulus: 1,440,000 lbf/in2 (9.93 GPa)
Crushing Strength: 6,360 lbf/in2 (43.9 MPa)
Shrinkage: Radial: 3.8%, Tangential: 6.2%, Volumetric: 10.5%, T/R Ratio: 1.6
*Source: The Wood Database;